
Hey! In this blog i will be talking about some of the features of Blender 3D, and sometimes give some helpful information on certain aspects of it (due to its insane learning curve). I have been using Blender for about two and a half years now, and I'm still learning new things about it all the time. So i hope this can be helpful to some people, and maybe even get some more people into it.

Blender is an open-source, 3D modeling, animation, and game development program.
And here it is... the tutorials page!

Friday, May 29, 2009

REVIEW (& tutorial)

Well, I tried the new release of Blender (2.48) today (and very briefly, I must say, it kept crashing due to me not having a solid OS (Ubuntu sucks sometimes), and I was forced to use my "virtual box" virtual machine), and I thought it was definitely an improvement on 2.45, but I didn't get to try everything that I wanted. One thing I did try, however, was the new softbody technique where you can have softbodies in game mode (which means, when I get it, awesomeness will ensue). Anyway, I didn't have much to say.

One thing that I just remembered, you should all check out the new open movie project Durian. It should be awesome (and better than Big Buck Bunny, and Elephants dream (which I didn't get, by the way. If anyone could explain it to me, that would be great)).

And, a new Tutorial is up!